The table shows the number of male and female members in a club in February. The number of female adults is not shown.
Age Group Number of members in February
  Male Female
(2 to 12 years)
12 17
Adult 19 ?
Senior Citizen
(60 years and above)
25 38

  1. 50% of all the female members in the club were adults. How many female adults were there in the club?
  2. In March, more female adults joined the club. There was no change in the number of members in the other 5 groups. Did the percentage of female members in the club increase, decrease or remain the same from February to March? Give your answer in the following format. (Increase = i; Decrease = d; Remain the same = s) (Eg i)
2 m

Click button first when a symbol is required. X


Click button first when a symbol is required. X

The table shows the number of male and female members in a club in February. The number of female adults is not shown.
Age Group Number of members in February
  Male Female
(2 to 12 years)
12 17
Adult 19 ?
Senior Citizen
(60 years and above)
25 38

  1. 50% of all the female members in the club were adults. How many female adults were there in the club?
  2. In March, more female adults joined the club. There was no change in the number of members in the other 5 groups. Did the percentage of female members in the club increase, decrease or remain the same from February to March? Give your answer in the following format. (Increase = i; Decrease = d; Remain the same = s) (Eg i)