The average number of persimmons in Container V, Container W and Container X is 26 and it is 2 more than the average number of chikoos in the 3 containers. 16 of the chikoos are in Container V and the chikoos in Container V is 30% of the number of chikoos in Container W. If each container has the same number of fruits, what percentage of the fruits in Container X are persimmons?
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The average number of persimmons in Container V, Container W and Container X is 26 and it is 2 more than the average number of chikoos in the 3 containers. 16 of the chikoos are in Container V and the chikoos in Container V is 30% of the number of chikoos in Container W. If each container has the same number of fruits, what percentage of the fruits in Container X are persimmons?