In a container, there are lollipops of 3 colours, purple, green and blue. There are 416 less blue lollipops than green lollipops. The number of blue lollipops is 12 more than the purple lollipops. Given that the number of blue lollipops is 18% of the total number of lollipops in the container, how many less purple lollipops are there than green lollipops?
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In a container, there are lollipops of 3 colours, purple, green and blue. There are 416 less blue lollipops than green lollipops. The number of blue lollipops is 12 more than the purple lollipops. Given that the number of blue lollipops is 18% of the total number of lollipops in the container, how many less purple lollipops are there than green lollipops?