Level 3 PSLE
Tina has 130 marbles more than Olivia. If Tina transfers 384 marbles to Olivia, Olivia will have 3 times as many as Tina. How many marbles does Tina have?
3 m
Level 3
A purple carton has 4 times as many marbles as a pink carton. Jack added 44 marbles to the purple carton and 21 marbles to the pink carton. If there are 3 times as many marbles in the purple carton as the pink carton, what was the total number of marbles in the two carton before Jack added the marbles?
3 m
Level 3
During a charity drive, Primary 4 raised 4 times as much money as Primary 2 on the first week. On the second week, Primary 4 raised another $200 while Primary 2 raised another $461. During the entire charity event, Primary 4 raised 2 times as much as Primary 2. What was the total amount raised by Primary 4?
3 m
Level 3
Sean and Cathy had some money each. If Cathy gives Sean $49, he will have 3 times as much as Cathy. If Sean gives Cathy $20, he will have the same amount as her. How much money does each person have respectively?
  1. Sean?
  2. Cathy?
3 m
Level 3
Cathy had twice the number of toy bricks as Jenson. Cathy used all her bricks to build 7 identical houses. Jenson used all his bricks to build 5 identical houses. Cathy used 9 more bricks than Jenson for each house. How many bricks did Jenson have?
4 m