Level 2
Brad was running in a race with Kim. When Brad was 130 m away from the finish line, Kim was 170 m away from the starting line. If Brad was 50 m behind Kim, how long was the race?
4 m
Level 2
The distance between Jenny's home and the bookstore is 500 m. After walking a distance from her home to the bookstore, she stopped and walked 90 m back to a pet shop. If the pet shop is 150 m away from the bookstore, how far had she walked before she stopped and walked back?
4 m
Level 2
The distance between Liza's home and the park is 320 m. After walking 120 m from his home to the park, she stopped and walked back another 45 m to a cafe. What is the distance from the cafe to the park?
4 m
Level 2
The distance between Clinton's home and the mall is 430 m. After walking 220 m from his home to the mall, he stopped and walked back to a cafe. If the cafe is 150 m away from the mall, what was the distance he walked back?
4 m
Level 3
There were 106 people in a queue for a free ice cream at Deli Cafe. Ramesh was the 12th person in the queue. Ted was the 2nd last person in the queue. How many people were there between Ramesh and Ted?
3 m
Level 3
  1. There are _____ mice, _____ cats and _____ dogs.
  2. There are _____ more mice than cats.
  3. There are _____ fewer dogs than cats.
4 m
Level 3
  1. Set _____ has more cherries than Set 1.
  2. Set _____ has fewer cherries than Set 3.
  3. Set _____ and Set _____ have the same number of cherries. Give the answers in numbers. (Eg 1, 2)
4 m
Level 3
Mike has five numbers. Two of the numbers add up to 3 tens 4 ones. What are the two numbers? Give the answers in numbers. (Eg 1, 2)
4 m
Level 3
Using 7, 8, 9, 0. find the missing digits A B and C D. Give your answers in numbers. (Eg 12, 34)

4 5 A B + C D = 4668
3 m
Level 3
Fill in the circles with the correct answers.
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
4 m