Level 3
The ratio of Yvette's money to Linda's money was 1 : 3. After Yvette spent thrice as much as Linda, Yvette and Linda had $6 and $42 left respectively. Find the amount of money each of the girls have at first.
  1. Yvette
  2. Linda
5 m
Level 3
Jeremy has a crate containing some red and green grapes. If he adds in 10 bunches of red grapes, 0.6 of the bunches of grapes in the carton will be green grapes. If he adds in 30 bunches of green grapes, 34 of the bunches of grapes in the carton will be green grapes. How many bunches of grapes are there in crate?
5 m
Level 3
John spent 25 of his salary. He saved 37 of it. He then gave 38 of what was left to his son and gave the remaining amount of $300 to his daughter. What was John's salary?
4 m
Level 3
Benita's salary is 20% less than Amanda's salary and 40% less than Cecilia's salary. If Amanda's salary is $500 less than that of Cecilia's salary,
  1. Find Benita's salary.
  2. Given that Benita received a 20% pay cut, find Benita's new salary.
4 m
Level 3
Ruth spent $84 on some staplers, markers and files. The ratio of the amount of money she spent on the staplers, markers and files was 5 : 8 : 1. The markers were sold at 10 for $4. The number of staplers she bought was 12 the number of markers. The number of files she bought was 35 the number of markers. Find the price of 1 stapler.
5 m