Level 3
In the figure, not drawn to scale, ACDE is a parallelogram and ABF is an isosceles triangle. EFCB is a straight line. ∠CDE = 100°, ∠ACF = 54° and ∠CAB = 12°. Find ∠EAF.
3 m
Level 3
In the figure, not drawn to scale, JKL is an isosceles triangle, KLMN is a parallelogram and NKJ is a straight line. Find ∠NQP.
3 m
Level 3
The figure consists of a rectangle, a quadrant and an isosceles triangle. Given that the radius of the quadrant is 10 cm and B is the midpoint of Line AC, find the difference between the shaded areas Y and Z. (Take π = 3.14)
3 m
Level 3
In the figure, not drawn to scale, WY, XZ and OX are straight lines. Given that O is the centre of the circle and ∠OWZ = 31°, find ∠OYZ.
3 m
Level 3
In the figure, not drawn to scale, O is the centre of the circle. HOC, FDC and ODE are straight lines. Find ∠EDF.
3 m