Level 1
Given the numbers, 7, 1, 2, form the smallest 3-digit number.
1 m
Level 2
Look at the picture.
Child _____ (a) is the tallest and Child _____ (b) is the shortest. Give the answers in numbers. (Eg 1)
3 m
Level 1
Which is the largest odd number?
813, 831, 836, 848
1 m
Level 2
Look at the picture.
Arrange the children in order. Begin with the tallest. Give the answers in numbers. (Eg 1, 2, 3, 4)
3 m
Level 2
Look at the picture.
Arrange the fork (1), the knife (2), and the ruler (3) in order. Begin with the longest. Give the answers in numbers. (Eg 1, 2, 3)
3 m