Level 3
The average number of mangosteens in Carton C, Carton D and Carton E is 24 and it is 8 more than the average number of papayas in the 3 cartons. 16 of the papayas are in Carton C and the papayas in Carton C is 80% of the number of papayas in Carton D. If each carton has the same number of fruits, what percentage of the fruits in Carton E are mangosteens?
5 m
Level 3
The figure shows an irregular 5-sided figure and a square. The area of the five-sided figure was three times the area of the square. After the shaded part was removed, the area of the remaining square became 15% of the total remaining area of both figures. If the area of the shaded part is 16 cm2, find the remaining area of the 5-sided figure.
4 m
Level 3
Four years ago, Will's age was 25% of Ray's age. Eight years from their current age, Will's age will be 37.5% of Ray's age. How many years is Ray older than Will?
4 m
Level 3
Daniel's age is 19 of his uncle's. His uncle will be 41 years old in 5 years' time. In how many years' time will Daniel's age be 37 of his uncle's?
4 m
Level 3
Mr Poh is 30 years older than his son. 5 years from now, his son will be 13 of his age while his daughter will be 35 of his son's age. Express his daughter's present age as a fraction of Mr Poh's present age. Leave your answer in its simplest form.
4 m