Level 3
In a school hall, a certain number of students can be arranged such that there are exactly 21 students per row. If the same number of students arranged in rows of 16 students each, there will be 7 more rows and 8 students left over. How many students are there altogether?
4 m
Level 3
A philanthropist bought a total of $19380 worth of toys, textbooks and clothes to donate to the needy children. The number of clothes bought was 20% more than the number of toys bought but 20% fewer than the number of textbooks bought. The toy cost $12 each and was $2 more expensive than each textbook but 40% cheaper than each piece of clothes. How many toys and textbooks did the philanthropist donate to the needy children?
5 m
Level 3
Jake and Kenneth had the same number of sweets. Each of them packed his own sweets into packets. Jake packed 5 sweets in each packet and had 2 sweets left. Kenneth packed 8 sweets in each packet and was short of 4 sweets.
  1. How many sweets did each of them have if they have used the same number of packets?
  2. What was the smallest possible number of sweets each of them had if they used different number of packets?
4 m
Level 3
The table shows the prices of tickets for a concert performance for an adult ticket and a child ticket. 14 of the tickets sold were for adults. The total amount of money collected from sale of the child tickets was $230 more than the total amount collected from the sale of adult tickets.
  1. How many child tickets were sold?
  2. How much money was collected from the sale of all the tickets?
5 m
Level 3
At a race, 37 of the number of boys is equal to 25 of the number of girls. The number of adults at the race is thrice the number of children. The number of coupons given to each adult, boy and girl at the race is 4, 3 and 2 respectively. The total number of coupons given at the race is 7980.
  1. What is the total number of coupons given to the adults?
  2. What is the number of girls at the race?
5 m
Level 3
Contestants in a quiz were awarded certificates based on their scores. A total of 312 points were awarded. 18 of the contestants received the Certificate of Distinction. 45 of the remaining contestants received the Merit Certificate and the rest received the Participation Certificate. How many contestants received the Certificate of Distinction?
5 m
Level 3
Alan, Bob and Ken had the same number of notes. Jan and Bob had a mix of $10-notes and $2-notes. Alan had 15 $10-notes while Bob had 20 $10-notes. Ken only had $10-notes.
  1. Who had the least amount of money?
  2. How much more did Alan have than Bob?
  3. Bob used all his $2 notes to buy a wallet. He then had $280 less than Ken. How many $10 notes did Ken have?
5 m