Level 3
The rectangle and square have the same area. The length of the rectangle is 4 times its breadth. What is the length of one side of the square?
3 m
Level 3
The figure is made up of a square ABCD and a rectangle DEFG. ∠CDG = 69°. ∠x is twice of ∠y. Find ∠x.
3 m
Level 3
The figure shows a piece of rectangular paper ABCD folded at one of its corners D. ∠DFE = 67°. Find ∠CED.
3 m
Level 3
The figure shows a piece of rectangular paper ABCD folded at one of its corners D. ∠DEF = 16°. Find ∠DEC.
3 m
Level 3
The figure shows a piece of rectangular paper ABCD folded at two of its corners C and D. ∠DFE is 6° larger than ∠CFG but it is half the size of ∠CFD. Find ∠CFD.
3 m
Level 3
The figure shows a piece of rectangular paper ABCD folded at one of its corners A. ∠AEB is 4 times as large as ∠AEF. Find ∠AEB.
3 m
Level 3
The area of the shaded part in the rectangle is 40 cm2. Find the perimeter of the rectangle.
3 m
Level 3
A rectangular floor, 18 m by 9.5 m, is laid with rubber tiles at a cost of $29 per square metre.
  1. Find the cost of tiling the floor.
  2. Round off the answer in (a) to the nearest thousand dollars.
3 m
Level 3
A rectangular piece of paper, not drawn to scale, is folded as shown. What is the area of the piece of paper?
3 m
Level 3
A square of 1 cm is cut from each corner of a rectangle. What is the perimeter of the figure?
3 m