Level 2
Rosie is 24 cm shorter than Britney. Britney is 38 cm taller than Dana. If Rosie is 1 m 58 cm tall, find Dana's height in m and cm.
4 m
Level 3
Sarah cuts a piece of wire into three pieces. The first piece is 156 cm shorter than the second piece. The second piece is 2 m 42 cm longer than the third piece. If the first piece is 2 m 26 cm long, find the length of the third piece in m and cm.
4 m
Level 3
Erika cycled 860 m more than Sofia. Mark cycled 940 m less than Erika. Find the distance Mark cycled if Sofia cycled for 4 km 50 m. Give the answer in km and m.
4 m
Level 3
Which two numbers will give the greatest answer when they are subtracted?
453, 865, 548, 857
4 m
Level 3
In a weight-lifting competition, the first weight-lifter lifted a mass of 300 kg 300 g while the second weight-lifter lifted 50 kg 300 g more. Given that the third weight-lifter lifted 40 kg 500 g more than the second weight-lifter, what is the total mass that the 3 of them lifted?
4 m
Level 3
Sheryl has a mass of 58 kg. Anna weighs 14 kg more than Sheryl but 4 kg less than Fiona. Find the total mass of the 3 girls.
4 m
Level 3
Beaker A has a capacity of 450 mℓ. Beaker B has a capacity that is 250 mℓ more than that of Beaker A but 150 mℓ less than Beaker C. Find the capacity of Beaker C.
4 m
Level 3
Pail X has a capacity of 4500 mℓ. Pail Y has a capacity of 750 mℓ less than that of Pail X but 130 mℓ more than Pail Z. Find the capacity of Pail Z in mℓ.
4 m
Level 3
Luke bought 3 fish tanks of varied sizes. The first tank can hold 250 mℓ more than the second tank and the second tank can hold 600 mℓ more than the last tank. If the last tank can contain 650 mℓ of water, find the capacity of the first tank. Express the answer in mℓ.
4 m
Level 3
Container X can contain 2500 mℓ of water. Container Y can contain 600 mℓ more than Container X but 400 mℓ less than Container Z. Find the capacity of Container Z.
4 m