Level 3
A bottle has a capacity of 2500 mℓ. A jug has a capacity of 750 mℓ more than the bottle. A water dispenser has a capacity of 7500 mℓ more than the jug. Find the capacity of the water dispenser. (Give the answer in litres and millilitres.)
4 m
Level 3
In a book sale, 1361 magazines were sold on Saturday. 124 more magazines were sold on Friday than on Saturday. 362 fewer magazines were sold on Sunday than on Friday. How many magazines were sold altogether on the three days?
4 m
Level 3
In an old books sale, 1451 comics were sold on Saturday. 154 fewer novels were sold on Friday than on Saturday. 325 more comics were sold on Sunday than on Saturday. How many comics were sold altogether on the three days?
4 m
Level 3
Three sisters shared a total of 350 stamps. Maria has 80 more stamps than Leah, and Leah had 96 more stamps than Eva. How many stamps did Leah have?
4 m
Level 3
A funfair booth consists of 3 types of prize, A, B and C. There are 84 more Type A prizes than Type B prizes and 26 more Type C prizes than Type A prizes. Given that the booth consists of a total of 273 prizes, how many Type B prizes are there at the booth?
4 m
Level 3
There were 345 green, blue and red candies in a bag. Given that there were 135 more green candies than red candies and 86 more blue candies than red candies, how many red candies were there in the bag?
4 m
Level 3
A confectionery baked a total of 362 chocolate, vanilla and strawberry buns. There were 134 more chocolate buns than strawberry buns but 20 less vanilla buns than chocolate buns. How many chocolate buns did the confectionery produce?
4 m
Level 3
Mrs Tina gave $500 to her two sisters. Her elder sister received $230 less than her younger sister. How much did her younger sister receive?
4 m
Level 3
An refrigerator, a oven and a TV cost $470. The TV cost $85 more than the refrigerator. The refrigerator cost $55 more than the oven. What was the cost of the oven?
4 m
Level 3
John, Peter and Ben have a total of $77. John has $15 more than Peter. Ben has $20 more than John. How much money has John?
4 m