Level 2
23 of Adam's money is equal to 57 of Bryan's money.
Adam has $150.
  1. How much does Bryan have?
  2. How much does Adam have more than Bryan?
  3. How much do they have altogether?
3 m
Level 2
The cost price of a speaker set was $780. Amanda sold the speaker set at a profit of 20%. How much was the selling price of the speaker set?
2 m
Level 2
1 marble and 4 stickers cost $60
1 marble and 2 stickers cost $40
How much are 3 stickers?
2 m
Level 2
Adam has $500.
He gives away 25 of his money.
How much money has he left?
2 m
Level 3
A tea shop owner bought a sack of tea. He kept 37 of the tea for his mother and gave away some of the leftovers. He gave away 2 45 kg to his friend and 38 of the rest to his neighbour. He saved the remaining 3.5 kg for his own use. How much tea did he have originally?
3 m