Level 3
30% of Edward's marbles is equal to 13 of Benjamin's marbles. Together, they have a total of 380 marbles. Find the number of marbles Edward has.
3 m
Level 2
Adam buys some stickers.
He gives 57 of the stickers to Bryan.
Then he gives 10 stickers to Chris.
He has 30 stickers left.
How many stickers does Adam buy?
3 m
Level 2
8 p = 12 u
7 u - 2 p = 8

Find the following values.
  1. 1 u
  2. 1 p
2 m
Level 3 PSLE
Stan kept pens in boxes A and B. Box A contained twice as many pens as box B. In box A, 14 of the pens were blue pens. In box B, 13 of the pens were blue pens. What fraction of Stan's pens were blue pens?
2 m
Level 2
In the figure, PQ is perpendicular to ST. ∠RTU = ∠PTS. Given that ∠STU is 3 times as large as angle RTS, find ∠RTQ.
2 m