Level 3
The total cost of 1 wallet and 2 identical belts is $149. The wallet cost $23 more than each belt. How much did each belt cost?
3 m
Level 3
A book and 3 magazines cost $28 altogether. A book costs $4 more than each magazine. How much does the book cost?
3 m
Level 3
The average number of cards Jeryl and Ronnie had was 105. The average number of cards Jeryl and Daryl was 67.5. Given that the ratio of the number of cards Ronnie had to the number of cards Daryl had was 5 : 2, find the number of cards Jeryl had.
4 m
Level 3
After cycling for 30 km, Mark took a break before he continued cycling 13 of the remaining distance. He then realised that he still had 14 of the total distance not completed. If Mark's average speed was 30 km/h, how much time did he take to complete the entire ride? Express the answer in mixed number.
4 m
Level 3
35 of Jack's savings is equal to 23 of Asher's savings. The difference in their savings is equal to 15 of Fred's savings. Jack saves $90 more than Fred. Find the total amount of saving of all 3 boys.
4 m