Level 2
Priscilla has 20 buttons more than Jennifer. If Jennifer gives Priscilla 7 buttons, how many more buttons than Jennifer will Priscilla have?
4 m
Level 2
Priscilla has 20 buttons more than Jennifer. If Jennifer gives Priscilla 23 buttons, how many more buttons than Jennifer will Priscilla have?
4 m
Level 3
David has 42 stamps more than Bata. Cali has 20 stamps fewer than Bala. The three children have 109 stamps altogether. How many stamps does Cali have?
4 m
Level 3
Study the picture.
  1. How many glasses of water can the pail hold?
  2. How many more glasses of water can a pail hold than a pitcher?
4 m
Level 3
5 children shared 90 beads. Anthony and June each received 15 beads extra. How many beads did June get?
4 m