Level 1
Anne is n years old now. 4 years ago, Anne was 2 times as old as Bernice. How old was Bernice 4 years ago?
2 m
Level 3
Fill in the blanks in units (Eg 3 u) or unit equations (Eg 1 u + 2).

Adam and Bryan have some stickers.
27 of the stickers Adam has is 6 less than 35 of what Bryan has.
Let 35 of what Bryan has be 3 u.
  1. Number of stickers that Bryan has = ___________
  2. Number of stickers that Adam has = ___________
  3. Total number of stickers = ___________
  4. Difference in the number of stickers between Adam and Bryan = ___________
4 m
Level 3
Fill in the blanks.
Adam spends 15 of his money on 4 stickers and 5 marbles.
Each marble costs twice as much as each sticker.
Let the cost of 1 sticker be 1 u.

  1. Cost of 1 marble = _____ u
  2. Amount that Adam has spent = _____ u
  3. Amount that Adam has left = _____ u
  4. Amount that Adam has at first = _____ u
4 m
Level 2
A cuboid has a square face of area 49 cm2. The ratio of its length to its breadth is 9 : 7. Find its volume.
2 m
Level 1 PSLE
Jade paid $69 for a toaster after a discount of 40%. What was the price of the toaster before the discount?
2 m