Level 2
Lynn had 10 kg of flour. She used 12 of the flour to bake a cake and 14 of the remaining flour to bake some muffins. How much flour did she have left? Give your answer in grams.
2 m
Level 2
The figure shows 2 identical boxes on a weighing scale. Find the mass of 1 box.
3 m
Level 3
The diagram shows the mass of two identical boxes with objects A and B placed in them respectively.
  1. Given that object B is three times as heavy as object A, find the mass of object A.
  2. Find the mass of an empty box. Express your answer in grams.
3 m
Level 3
Study the diagrams . What is the mass of 2 bananas? Express your answer in grams.
3 m
Level 3
The total mass of Cindy, Jen and Marvin is 15p kg. Cindy has a mass of 5p kg. Jen is 2 kg heavier than Cindy.
  1. What is Marvin's mass in terms of p?
  2. If p = 10, what is Marvin's mass?
3 m
Level 3
A store owner had 505 kg of fresh honeydews. The honeydews contained 60% water when fresh. One week later, there was only 50% water left in the honeydews. What was the mass of the honeydews one week later?
3 m
Level 3
Two identical pails C and D contained some water. Pail C was 14 filled and Pail D was 1/5 filled. The ratio of the total mass of Pail C and the water in it to the total mass of Pail D and the water in it was 8 : 7. The total mass of the two pails and the water they contained was 3150 g. What is the mass of an empty pail?
4 m
Level 3
Alex is preparing for a weightlifting competition. To qualify for the final, he needs to be able to lift at least 322 kg. Alex is able to lift 88 kg comfortably now. Each month, he is able to increase the mass he lifts by 6 kg. How long must Alex train to qualify for the final? Give your answer in years and months. (Eg 2 years 3 months)
3 m
Level 2 PSLE
The figure shows three boxes A, B and C on a balance scale. The average mass of the three boxes is 250 g. The mass of B is a 2-digit number. What is the smallest possible difference between the mass of A and B?
3 m
Level 3
Four children made the following statements. Winnie : The average of Yoko's mass and my mass is 39 kg. Xtra : I am the heaviest. Yoko : Zane is 2 kg lighter than Xtra. Zane : Our masses are in consecutive order (In running sequence). What is the total mass of Winnie, Xtra and Yoko ?
3 m