Level 3
A ship began its journey at 09 30 on 11 May and reached its destination 36 hours later.
  1. On what date did the ship reach its destination? Write the date with the same format as the given.
  2. At what time did the ship reach its destination?
3 m
Level 3
A coach drove from Town A at 13 05 to go to Town B. After driving for 4 h 45 min, the coach broke down and needed to stop for 1 14 h for repairs. Upon completion of the repairs, the coach continued its journey for another 2 h 42 min to reach Town B. At what time did the coach reach Town B?
3 m
Level 3
The table shows the time taken by some men to complete the night marathon. William completed the race in 56 of the time taken by Stephen. If Nicholas reached the finishing line at 01 45, what time did William cross the finishing line? Leave your answer in 24-hour clock.
3 m
Level 3
A baby snake which is 4 cm long grows longer by 2 cm on the first day, 4 cm on the second day, 6 cm on the third day, 8 cm on the fourth day and so on. If it continues to grow at this rate, how many days will it take to grow to a length of 0.6 m?
4 m
Level 3
Tank A holds 3 ℓ 485 mℓ of water. Tank B holds twice as much water as Tank A. Find the total amount of water in the 2 tanks. (Give the answer in litres and millilitres.)
3 m