Level 2
Anna had $20 more than Betty at first. After Anna and Betty spent an equal amount of money, Betty had 35 as much as Anna. How much money did Anna have left?
2 m
Level 2
Albert had $y. He spent $12 on a novel and gave 13 of the remainder to his mother.
  1. How much did he give to his mother?
  2. How much did he have left?
2 m
Level 2
Judy wants to buy 8 paperclips at 40¢ each. How much will she have to pay?
2 m
Level 2
Ten fifty-cent coins have the same value as __ one-dollar coins.
2 m
Level 2
The ratio of Kelly's savings to Tricia's savings is 2 : 5. If Kelly saves $24 more and Tricia spends $12, they will have the same amount of money. How much is Tricia's savings?
2 m
Level 2
Mr Tan gave monthly allowance to his wife and two daughters in the ratio of 5 : 3. His daughters received $420 altogether. How much did his wife receive?
2 m
Level 2
Jun saves 60 cents every day. How long will it take for him to save $6?
2 m
Level 2
Clara and Dan saved a fixed amount of money every day. Dan saved $1.50 more than Clara each day. After several days, Dan saved $40 and Clara saved $25. Find the amount that Dan saved every day.
2 m
Level 2 PSLE
Andy and Ben shared the total cost of a present. Andy paid $15 more than 38 of the cost of the present. Ben paid $25. How much did the present cost?
2 m
Level 2
Danielle had $40. She bought a meal at $15. What percentage of Danielle's money was spent on the meal?
2 m