Level 3
The sum of two numbers is 48. The greater number is thrice the smaller number.
  1. What is the smaller number?
  2. What is the greater number?
4 m
Level 3
Kylie had half the amount of coins Xavier had. Xavier had 3 times the amount of coins as Peter. There were a total of 33 coins. How many more coins did Kylie have than Peter?
4 m
Level 3
Serene had 47 as many chocolates as Melvin. Melvin had 45 as many chocolates as Esther. If Esther had 38 more chocolates than Serene, find the total number of chocolates that was shared among these 3 children at first.
4 m
Level 3
Jeremy had 16 as many stamps as Tom. Tom had twice as many stamps as David. If Jeremy had 300 stamps fewer than David,
  1. How many stamps did Jeremy have?
  2. How many stamps did they have altogether?
4 m
Level 3
At a funfair, there were 13 as many boys as girls and 25 as many adults as children. If there were 24 more adults than boys at the funfair, find the total number of people at the funfair.
4 m