Level 3
The figure is made up of a big semicircle of diameter 8 cm and 2 small semicircles with diameter 5.7 cm. Find the shaded area. Round off the answer to nearest 1 decimal place. (Take π = 3.14)
4 m
Level 3
Willi noticed the patterns on the square tiles and tried to calculate the area of the shaded part. Leave the answer in 2 decimal places. (Take π = 3.14)
4 m
Level 3
Copier A prints at a rate of 105 leaflets in every 3 minutes and Copier B prints at a rate of 136 leaflets in every 4 minutes. At 2 p.m., both copiers started printing. After a while, Copier A stopped printing for some time as the ink cartridges were being changed before it continued to print again. Copier B continued printing during this time. At 4 p.m., the total number of leaflets printed during the past two hours was 7930. Express the number of leaflets printed by Copier A as a percentage of the total number of leaflets printed by both copiers. Round off the answer to 2 decimal places.
5 m
Level 3 PSLE
OPQRS is part of a circle of radius 10 cm. OPR and OQS are quarter circles. The area of the shaded part OQR is 40 cm2 and the perimeter of the shaded part OQR is 30 cm. For each of the following, use the calculator value of π to find:
  1. the area of the figure OPQRS, correct to 2 decimal places,
  2. the perimeter of the figure OPQRS, correct to 1 decimal places.
4 m
Level 3
To fill a tank measuring 50 cm by 20 cm by 40 cm completely, it takes Tap A 4 minutes while it takes Tap B only 12 minutes. How long will it take to completely fill the container with water if both the taps are turned on at the same time and 8 cubic containers of edges 10 cm, filled to the brim with water are poured into the tank?
5 m