Level 2
The average mass of 2 grapefruits and 5 jackfruits is 2.4 kg. The average mass of each jackfruit is 2 kg. The difference in mass between the 2 grapefruits is 90 g. Find the mass of the heavier grapefruit. (Give your answer in kg and g.)
3 m
Level 2
The average weight of 5 students is 42 kg. When the weights of Fred and Cody are included, the average weight becomes 46 kg. Cody is 6 kg lighter than Fred. What is Fred's weight?
3 m
Level 3
Thiru played 5 games of bowling. His scores for the first 4 games were 120, 105, 176 and 169 points respectively.
  1. Find his average score for the first 4 games.
  2. After his fifth game, his average score increased by 3.1 points. Find his score for his fifth game.
3 m
Level 3
The average of 12 numbers is 34. If 3 of the numbers are excluded, the average of the remaining numbers is reduced to 29. Find the sum of these 3 numbers.
3 m
Level 3
The average mass of a group of 12 children is 33 kg and the average mass of another group of 18 children is 36 kg. What is the average mass of the two groups of children?
3 m