Level 1 PSLE
The sum of two whole numbers is 1035.
  1. What is the smallest difference between the two numbers?
  2. Write down these two numbers. (Eg 1, 2)
2 m
Level 2 PSLE
The mass of a box with 50 identical glass marbles is 750 g. When 20 of the marbles are removed, the mass of the box with the remaining marbles is 510 g. What is the mass of each glass marble?
2 m
Level 3
15 spectators and some performers donated a total of $59000 for charity. Each spectator donated $1000 more than each performer. If there were 8 more spectators than performers, how much more money did the spectators donate than the performers?
3 m
Level 3
The total price of 6 grapefruits and 4 avocados is the same as that of 10 grapefruits and 3 avocados. Each grapefruit costs $3 less than each avocado. How much does each avocado cost?
3 m
Level 3 PSLE
Jasmine needs 200 pieces of ribbon, each of length 120 cm, to decorate a hall for a party. Ribbon is sold in rolls of 45 m each. What is the least number of rolls of ribbon that Jasmine needs to buy?
3 m