Level 3
How many squares will be needed for the next shape?
3 m
Level 3
Based on the given number sums:
  1. If Row 2, (that is, 4 + 5 + 6 = 7 + 8) is said to have 5 numbers, and Row 3 has 7 numbers, how many numbers does Row 40 have?
  2. Which row has 155 numbers?
3 m
Level 3
By considering the given pattern, write down the number of squares in
  1. Pattern 5
  2. Pattern 30
  3. Pattern 300
3 m
Level 3
Each pattern is made up of squares. By considering the pattern, give the number of squares in
  1. Pattern 5
  2. Pattern 20
  3. Pattern 200
3 m
Level 3
The diagram shows the number of tables and the number of chairs around the tables.
  1. Find the number of chairs needed when there are 12 tables.
  2. Find the number of tables if there are 48 chairs
  3. Find the number of chairs needed for 100 tables.
3 m