Level 2
The ratio of Adam's money to Bryan's money is 4 : 3.
The ratio of Bryan's money to Chris' money is 2 : 1.
The total amount that they have is $510.
How much more money does Adam have than Chris?
3 m
Level 3
Jermaine had a piece of wire 140 cm long. He used it to form a rectangle with its length and breadth in the ratio 3 : 2.
  1. What is the length of the rectangle?
  2. What is the area of the rectangle?
3 m
Level 3
In a school, the ratio of adults to the number of children is 12 : 7.
The ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls is 3 : 2.
There are 70 more boys than girls.
How many people are there in the school?
3 m
Level 3
Lisa's and Natalie's savings were in the ratio of 4 : 9. Both of them shared the cost of their grandfather's gift equally. Lisa's remaining savings was 14 as much as Natalie's savings. What percentage of her savings did Lisa spend? Correct the answer to 1 decimal place.
3 m
Level 3
Adam receives his allowance of $250.
The ratio of Adam's spending to Adam's saving is 2 : 3.
The ratio of Adam's spending on food to the remaining of other expenses is 1 : 4.
  1. How much does Adam save?
  2. How much less does Adam spend on food than other expenses?
3 m