Level 3
Recca took 5 hours to travel from Country A to Country B at 60 km/h. Then he travelled from Country B to another country at 1.5 times his original speed. 40% of the distance from Country A to Country B is equal to 13 of the distance from Country B to the next country. Find the average speed for the whole journey and express it in mixed number.
5 m
Level 3
Every week, Mrs. Tan will collect 40% more vitamin pills than Mrs Nurul from the pharmacy. They each consumed 14 vitamins weekly and will leave the rest for their family members to consume the rest. After some time, both ladies consumed a total of 364 vitamin pills and Mrs. Tan's family members consumed 468 more vitamin pills than Mrs. Nurul's family.
  1. How many members are there in Mrs. Tan's family, if they each consume 14 pills weekly?
  2. How many vitamin pills does Mrs Nurul collect from the pharmacy each week?
5 m