Level 3
Sheryl has a mass of 58 kg. Anna weighs 14 kg more than Sheryl but 4 kg less than Fiona. Find the total mass of the 3 girls.
4 m
Level 3
Beaker A has a capacity of 450 mℓ. Beaker B has a capacity that is 250 mℓ more than that of Beaker A but 150 mℓ less than Beaker C. Find the capacity of Beaker C.
4 m
Level 3
Pail X has a capacity of 4500 mℓ. Pail Y has a capacity of 750 mℓ less than that of Pail X but 130 mℓ more than Pail Z. Find the capacity of Pail Z in mℓ.
4 m
Level 3
Luke bought 3 fish tanks of varied sizes. The first tank can hold 250 mℓ more than the second tank and the second tank can hold 600 mℓ more than the last tank. If the last tank can contain 650 mℓ of water, find the capacity of the first tank. Express the answer in mℓ.
4 m
Level 3
Container X can contain 2500 mℓ of water. Container Y can contain 600 mℓ more than Container X but 400 mℓ less than Container Z. Find the capacity of Container Z.
4 m