Level 3
Tickets for a theme park were sold at $83 and $117. All the tickets were completely sold out. The amount collected for the $117 tickets was $80145. Given that the number of $117 tickets was 17 of the number of $83 tickets, how much more money was collected from the sales of the $83 ticket than the $117 ticket?
3 m
Level 3 PSLE
Tickets for a zoo trip were sold to teachers and pupils at different prices as shown.
Price per ticket:
Teacher $20
Pupil $8
14 of the tickets sold were bought by teachers. The total amount of money collected from the sale of tickets to pupils was $416 more than the total amount collected from the sale of tickets to teachers. How much money was collected from the sale of tickets altogether?
3 m
Level 3
Sean, Tim, Fred and Mark paid a total of $132 for a souvenir. Mark paid 38 of what the rest paid. Sean paid 20% of what the rest paid. Tim and Fred paid an equal amount of money. How much did Fred pay?
4 m
Level 3
Four boys, Vincent, Asher, Oscar and Zane saved some money. Asher's savings was 512 of the total savings of Vincent, Oscar and Zane. Vincent's savings was 20% of the total savings. Oscar's savings was 12 of the total savings of Asher and Zane. If Asher's savings was $10650, how much less was Vincent's savings than the total of the other 3 boys?
4 m
Level 3
3 sisters, Tammy, Hazel and Yoko, paid a total of $168 for a gift. Tammy paid 14 of what the rest paid. Hazel paid 16 of what the rest paid. How much did Yoko pay?
3 m