Level 2
Fill in the blanks with units (Eg 1 u) or unit equations (Eg 1 u + 2).
Adam and Bryan have 100 stickers.
Adam has 20 more stickers than Bryan.

  1. Number of stickers that Adam has = _____
  2. Number of stickers that Bryan has = _____
  3. Total number of stickers = _____
  4. 1 u = _____
4 m
Level 3
Fill in the blanks with units or unit equations.
Adam has some stickers.
Adam has 100 less blue stickers than the red and the yellow stickers.
The number of red stickers is 20 less than the number of yellow stickers.

  1. How many more blue stickers that yellow stickers are there?
  2. How many less red stickers than blue stickers are there?
  3. How many yellow and blue stickers are there?
4 m
Level 3
A = 4 rectangles
B + 2 rectangles = A + A
B = _____ rectangles
3 m
Level 1
Find the sum of 250 and 5590.
1 m
Level 2
Find the following values without a calculator.
  1. ____ fewer than 5 is 1.
  2. 3 fewer than ____ is 4.
  3. 2 fewer than 6 is ____.
2 m
Level 2
Find the following values without a calculator.
  1. 123 + 246 = _____
  2. 235 + 9 = _____
  3. 141 + 62 = _____
  4. 257 + 964 = _____
4 m
Level 1
Find the following values without a calculator.
  1. 1215 = _____ + 200 +15
  2. 6316 = 6000 + _____ + 10 + 6
  3. 9678 = 9000 +600 + _____
3 m
Level 1
Ann buys (a) _____ fruits in all.
She buys (b) _____ apples.
She buys (c) _____ oranges.
1 m
Level 2
Fill in the blanks with units (Eg 1 u) or unit equations (Eg 1 u + 2).
Adam and Bryan have 100 stickers.
Adam has 20 less stickers than Bryan.

  1. Number of stickers that Adam has = _____
  2. Number of stickers that Bryan has = _____
  3. Total number of stickers = _____
  4. 1 u = _____
4 m
Level 3
There are 60 people.
The number of boys is 20.
If the number of adults is 30 more than the girls.

  1. How many adults are there?
  2. How many children are there?
  3. How many more adults than children are there?
  4. How many less girls than boys are there?
4 m