Level 1
Find the following values without a calculator.
  1. 23145 - 12013 = ______
  2. 56480 - 54230 = _____
  3. 47300 - 23100 = _____
  4. 64000 - 53000 = _____
2 m
Level 1
Find the following values without a calculator.
  1. 2 tens + 3 = _____
  2. 4 hundreds + 5 = _____
  3. 6 hundreds + 7 tens = _____
  4. 51 tens + 23 tens = _____
1 m
Level 2
Look at the picture.
  1. Rope 1 is _____ units.
  2. Rope 2 is _____ units.
  3. Rope 3 is _____ units.
2 m
Level 2
Adam has 30 stickers.
Bryan has 20 less stickers than Adam.
How many stickers do they have?

  1. Which model should we draw?
    (1) Model Part-whole
    (2) Model Comparison
  2. Is the total given?
    (1) Yes
    (2) No
  3. Who gets the shorter bar?
    (1) Adam
    (2) Bryan
  4. Number of stickers that Bryan has =
4 m
Level 1
Fill in the blanks with units (Eg 1 u) or unit equations (Eg 1 u + 2).
Adam and Bryan have 10 stickers.
Adam has 2 more stickers than Bryan.

  1. Number of stickers that Adam has = _____
  2. Number of stickers that Bryan has = _____
  3. Total number of stickers = _____
  4. 1 u = _____
4 m
Level 2
3 children have 1900 stickers.
Bryan has 200 more stickers than Adam
but 300 less stickers than Chris.
  1. How many stickers does Chris have?
  2. How many stickers does Bryan have?
  3. How many stickers does Adam have?
3 m
Level 2
For every 500 cupcakes that Adam's factory produces,
it produces 300 muffins and 200 buns.
It produces 1000 cupcakes.
  1. How many buns does Adam's factory bake?
  2. How many less muffins than cupcakes does Adam's factory produce?
  3. How many muffins, cupcakes and buns does Adam's factory produce in total?
3 m
Level 1
Bryan has 300 stickers.
Bryan has 100 stickers less than Adam.
  1. How many stickers does Adam have?
  2. What is the total number of stickers they have?
3 m
Level 1
Reduce the fraction to the simplest form.
46 = _____
1 m
Level 2
Fill in the blanks.
Adam has 20 stickers more than Bryan and
30 stickers less than Chris.
Let the number of stickers that Bryan has be 1 u.

  1. Number of stickers that Adam has = 1 u + _____
  2. Number of stickers that Chris has = 1 u + _____
  3. Total number of stickers = 3 u + _____
3 m
Level 1 PSLE
The sum of 4 numbers is 1020. One of the numbers is 180. What is the average of the other 3 numbers?
1 m
Level 1 PSLE
The figure shows part of a scale. Which of the following is closest to the reading shown?
46, 47, 48, 49
1 m
Level 1 PSLE
Which pair of lines are parallel? Give your answer in number. (Eg 1)
(1) AB and ED
(2) EF and DC
(3) AB and BC
1 m
Marcus and Nicole each had the same volume of water. The water was used to pour into identical bottles. Marcus filled up 15 bottles and had 3 ℓ of water left. Nicole filled up bottles and had 5 ℓ of water left.
  1. What was the capacity of each bottle? Give your answer in millilitres.
  2. What was the total volume of water Marcus and Nicole had at first? Give your answer in litres.
Level 1
Find the product of 5q and 9.
1 m
Level 1
From 11 to 20
Write eleven in digit(s).
1 m
Level 1 PSLE
What point is east of R and south-east of Q?
1 m
Level 1
Find the value of 16 + 58. Give your answer in its simplest form.
1 m
Level 1
What is the missing number in the blank? 2 000 000 + 50 000 + 8 000 + 700 = _______
1 m
Level 1
In Triangle PQR, name the base given that the height is PT.
1 m