Level 3
Tap A can fill a tank completely in 2 hours while Tap B takes an hour more to fill the same tank completely. There is a hole at the bottom of the tank which can empty the full tank in 6 hours. How long does it take for the tank to be completely filled if both taps are turned on?
3 m
Level 2
The average score received by Jan, Alicia, Sue and May in a recent Math test was 76 marks. Jan and Alicia both got 8z marks each while Sue got half of May's marks. How many marks did Sue score for the test? Express your answer in terms of z.
3 m
Level 3
The figure shows a rectangular tank measuring 30 cm by 15 cm by 20 cm. Vera poured 558 mℓ of water into the tank. Then she turned on two taps at the same time to fill up Tank with water. Water was flowing from both taps at the same rate. After 5 minutes, both taps were turned off but 1.2ℓ of water had overflowed and was collected in a tray. Find the rate of the flow of water of each tap in millimetres per minute.
3 m
Level 3
In an office tower of 600 workers, 35% of the staff is the same as 70% of the number of visitors. How many less visitors than staff are there in the office tower?
3 m
Level 2 PSLE
Mrs Lee had a bottle of oil. She used an equal amount of oil each day. At the end of the 5th day, she had 990 mℓ of oil left. At the end of the 7th day, she had half the bottle of oil left. How many litres of oil were there in the bottle at first?
2 m