Level 3
Henry's freight forwarding company charges $17 for every mirror delivered on time and $10 for every mirror delivered late. In the month of August, Henry freight forwarding company collected $2200. For every 17 mirrors delivered, 15 were delivered on time and 2 were delivered late.
  1. What was the total number of mirrors delivered on time?
  2. How much less money did Henry freight forwarding company collect in August due to the late delivery of the mirrors?
4 m
Level 3
Container E contains only 50-cent coins and Container F contains only 5-cent coins. There are 19 more coins in Container F than in Container E. The amount of money in Container E is $1.75 more than the amount of money in Container F. Find the total amount of money in both containers.
4 m
Level 3
Cathy had twice the number of toy bricks as Jenson. Cathy used all her bricks to build 7 identical houses. Jenson used all his bricks to build 5 identical houses. Cathy used 9 more bricks than Jenson for each house. How many bricks did Jenson have?
4 m
Level 3
Rael and Ken had $229 and $193 respectively. Each of them bought a hoodie and a T-shirt at the same price. The cost of the hoodie was 3 times as much as the T-shirt. In the end, Rael had 5 times as much money as Ken. What was the difference between the cost of the T-shirt and the hoodie?
4 m
Level 3
Oscar is 3 times as old as his brother. In 14 years' time, Oscar will be 10 years less than twice of his brother's age. How old was Oscar 2 years ago?
4 m