Level 3
David and Eileen had equal amount of money. David spent 12 of his money on food while Eileen spent 34of her money on food. Given that Eileen spent $4 more than David on food, how much did David have at first?
4 m
Level 3
There are 60 blue balls and 18 red balls in a basket. 23 of the blue balls are dented. All the red balls are not dented. How many more red balls than blue balls are not dented?
4 m
Level 2
Twice a number is 6864. What is 889 less than half the number?
4 m
Level 2
For every $8 that Timothy saves, Jake saves $2. How much more has Timothy saved than Jake if both of them have saved $150 in all?
4 m
Level 2
For every $50 that Timothy saves, Jake saves $10 and Keane saves $12. How much has Timothy saved if Keane has saved $500 more than Jake?
4 m