Level 1
Fill in the blank.
13 of A = 2 u
A = _____ u
1 m
Level 3
Look at the picture.
  1. How many units is Tree 4 shorter than Tree 3?
  2. What is the total height of Tree 1 and Tree 2?
3 m
Level 2
Adam and Bryan have the same amount of money.
Adam spends $10 and Bryan spends $50.
In the end, Adam has 3 times as much money as Bryan.
  1. How much does each of them have at first?
  2. How much does Adam have more than Bryan in the end?
3 m
Level 1
Fill in the blank.
23 of A = 6 u
A = _____ u
2 m
Level 2
Adam and Bryan have the same amount of money.
Adam receives $50 and Bryan receives $10.
In the end, Adam has 3 times as much money as Bryan.
  1. How much does each of them have at first?
  2. How much does Adam have more than Bryan in the end?
3 m