Level 3
During a quiz, a correct answer would be awarded 3 points while 2 points would be deducted from a participant for a wrong answer. For every 6 questions answered, Jane managed to get 5 of them correct. Given that Jane earned a total of 104 points, how many questions did Jane answer correctly?
4 m
Level 3
For every 4 sweets that Karen has, Lina has 2 more sweets than her. They have 60 sweets altogether. How many sweets does Lina have?
4 m
Level 2
Twice a number is 6864. What is 889 less than half the number?
4 m
Level 3
Jeremy strings some red and blue beads to make a necklace. For every 2 red beads Jeremy uses, he uses 6 blue beads. He uses a total of 72 red and blue beads for the necklace. How many more blue beads than red beads does he use?
4 m
Level 3
Mr Lee bought 8 boxes of apples at $11 per box. There were 56 apples in each box. He sold the apples at 7 for $3. How much profit did he make from the sale of all his apples?
4 m