Level 3
The price of a TV set with 10% GST is $1100.
  1. How much does Adam have to pay if the GST is decreased to 5%?
  2. How much saving does Adam enjoy as a result of the decrease in GST?
3 m
Level 3
Two identical pails C and D contained some water. Pail C was 14 filled and Pail D was 1/5 filled. The ratio of the total mass of Pail C and the water in it to the total mass of Pail D and the water in it was 8 : 7. The total mass of the two pails and the water they contained was 3150 g. What is the mass of an empty pail?
4 m
Level 2
Adam's monthly income is $2000.
He spends 60% and
saves the rest.
How many months will he take to save $4800?
3 m
Level 3
Linda had a story book with 440 pages. She read 50% of the story book on Thursday, 35% of the story book on Friday and the rest on Saturday.
  1. How many pages did she read on Saturday?
  2. How many more pages did she read on Thursday than on Saturday?
3 m
JLevel 2
ayne had just enough money to buy 9 kg of sugar. However, she bought only 5 kg of sugar and used the remaining money to buy 3 packets of cookies which cost $2.40 each. How much did Jayne pay for the sugar she bought?
3 m