Level 3
The price of a TV set with 10% GST is $1100.
  1. How much does Adam have to pay if the GST is decreased to 5%?
  2. How much saving does Adam enjoy as a result of the decrease in GST?
3 m
Level 2
Anna's money is 34 of Samantha's money. Samantha gives 12 of her money to Anna. Express Anna's money as a fraction of Samantha's money after Anna received the money from Samantha. (Give your answer as a mixed number.)
2 m
Level 3
Two identical pails C and D contained some water. Pail C was 14 filled and Pail D was 1/5 filled. The ratio of the total mass of Pail C and the water in it to the total mass of Pail D and the water in it was 8 : 7. The total mass of the two pails and the water they contained was 3150 g. What is the mass of an empty pail?
4 m
Level 3
Gem bought 7 novels of the same kind during a sale. Tina bought 3 of the same books. She also bought 3 postcards at $4.10 each. Altogether, she spent $3.10 more than Gem. What was the amount Tina spent?
3 m
Level 3
Abby, Becca, Clara and Demi jointly contributed to the cost of a present for their friend. Abby's contribution is 25 of the total contribution made by the four girls. The ratio of Demi's contribution to the total of Becca's and Clara's contribution is 4 : 1. What is the total contribution by the four girls if Becca's contribution is 15 of Clara's contribution and the total amount contributed by Abby and Demi is $132?
4 m
Level 3
Tabitha purchased a bottle of rose syrup to make drinks. She used 37 of the liquid in January. She then used the remaining syrup in February and March in the ratio 3 : 7. Given that the amount of the rose syrup used in January was 0.18 ℓ more than that used on the February, how many millilitres of rose syrup did the bottle contain at first?
4 m
Level 2
Adam's monthly income is $2000.
He spends 60% and
saves the rest.
How many months will he take to save $4800?
3 m
Level 3
Linda had a story book with 440 pages. She read 50% of the story book on Thursday, 35% of the story book on Friday and the rest on Saturday.
  1. How many pages did she read on Saturday?
  2. How many more pages did she read on Thursday than on Saturday?
3 m
Level 3
There were some red, blue and green pens in a box. 19 of the pens were blue. The ratio of the number of red pens to the number of green pens was 3 : 5. There were 288 fewer blue pens than green pens.
  1. Find the ratio of the number of red pens to the number of blue pens to the number of green pens in the box.
  2. How many green pens were there?
4 m
Level 2
Nelly has $78 less than Sandy. Patrick has $59 more than the total amount that Nelly and Sandy have. If Patrick has $523 more than Nelly, how much money does Patrick have?
2 m