Level 1
A tiger eats an average of 28 kg of meat per day, while a lion eats an average of 30.5 kg of meat per day. How much more meat than the tiger will the lion eat in a week?
1 m
Level 1
The average height of the 4 girls is 155 cm.
What is their total height?
1 m
Level 1
There are 4 girls.
The total height of the 4 girls are 620 cm.
What is the average height of the girls?
1 m
Level 1
The total height of the 4 girls is 620 cm.
The average height of the 4 girls is 155 cm.
How many girls are there?
1 m
Level 1
The total height of 4 girls and 5 boys is 1440 cm.
The average height of the 4 girls is 155 cm.
What is the average height of each boy?
1 m