Level 3
Fill in the blanks in units in whole numbers or fractions.
Adam spends 35 of his money on food and
14 of the remainder on rental.
Let the total amount of money be 5 u.

  1. Amount that Adam spends on food = _____ u
  2. Amount that Adam has left after spending on food = _____ u
  3. Amount that Adam spends on rental = _____ u
  4. Amount that Adam has left = _____ u
4 m
Level 2
Alina spent 16 of her salary on a printer and 23 of the remainder on a notebook. If she saved the remaining $1300, how much was her salary?
2 m
Level 2
A bottle of syrup is 23 full. When 18 of the syrup is poured out, there is 70 mℓ of syrup in the bottle. Find the capacity of the bottle in mℓ.
2 m
Level 2
W, X, Y and Z are mid-points of the sides of the square. If the area of the square is 100 cm2, what is the area of the unshaded triangles? Leave your answer in mixed number.
2 m
Level 3 PSLE
Muthu used 47 of his money to buy 6 pens. He used the rest of his money to buy 4 pens and 3 files.
  1. What fraction of his money did Methu use to buy the 3 files?
  2. If 1 file was fiven for free for every 5 files bought, How many files would Muthu be able to buy if he were to use all his money to buy files?
4 m