Level 2
Adam is 25 years old.
Bryan is 5 years old.
In a few years' time, Adam will be 3 times as old as Bryan.
  1. In how many years' time will Adam be 3 times as old as Bryan?
  2. How old will Adam be by that time?
3 m
Level 2
Adam is 35 years old.
Bryan is 15 years old.
A few years ago, Adam was 3 times as old as Bryan.
  1. How many years ago was Adam 3 times as old as Bryan?
  2. How old was Adam then?
3 m
Level 2
Adam has 90 red stickers.
He has 3 times as many red stickers as blue stickers.
After he buys an equal number of red and blue stickers, the number of red stickers is 2 times that of the blue stickers.
  1. How many red stickers are there in the end?
  2. How many blue stickers are there in the end?
  3. How many stickers are there in the end?
  4. How many stickers does Adam buy?
4 m
Level 2
Adam has 80 red stickers.
He has 2 times as many red stickers than blue stickers.
After he gives away an equal number of red and blue stickers,
the number of red stickers is 3 times that of the blue stickers.
  1. How many red stickers are there in the end?
  2. How many blue stickers are there in the end?
  3. How many stickers are there in the end?
  4. How many stickers does Adam give away?
4 m
Level 2
Adam and Bryan have the same amount of money.
Adam spends $10 and Bryan spends $50.
In the end, Adam has 3 times as much money as Bryan.
  1. How much does each of them have at first?
  2. How much does Adam have more than Bryan in the end?
3 m