Level 2
The average mass of 2 grapefruits and 5 jackfruits is 2.4 kg. The average mass of each jackfruit is 2 kg. The difference in mass between the 2 grapefruits is 90 g. Find the mass of the heavier grapefruit. (Give your answer in kg and g.)
3 m
Level 2
Mother bought 334 kg of mangosteens and 235 kg of grapes. How many kilograms of fruit did she buy altogether?
3 m
Level 2
The average weight of 5 students is 42 kg. When the weights of Fred and Cody are included, the average weight becomes 46 kg. Cody is 6 kg lighter than Fred. What is Fred's weight?
3 m
Level 2
An empty box has a mass of 23 kg. When it is filled with some toys, it has a mass of 3 kg. What is the mass of the toys in mixed number?
3 m
Level 2
A box containing some apples has a mass of 38 kg. Given that the mass of the apples is 14 kg, what is the mass of the box?
3 m