Level 3
Fabian, Gilbert and Henry had some marbles in the ratio of 2 : 3 : 5. Henry gave 40% of his marbles to Fabian and Gilbert. As a result, Fabian had the same number of marbles as Gilbert and Henry had 36 fewer marbles than Fabian.
  1. What was the percentage increase in Fabian's marbles after receiving from Henry?
  2. How many marbles did Gilbert have at first?
4 m
Level 3
The length of Bamboo Pole G is 14 of the length of Bamboo Pole H and the length of Bamboo Pole H is 13 of the length of Bamboo Pole I and 110 of the length of Bamboo Pole J. What fraction of the total length of the 4 planks is Bamboo Pole I?
3 m
Level 3
Andy, Bob and Charles collected game cards in the ratio of 7 : 4 : 9. After Charles gave 310 to Andy and Bob, Charles had 60 less game cards than Andy. The number of game cards that Ben had increased by 35%. How many game cards did Andy and Charles have?
4 m
Level 2 PSLE
At first, Binbin had 75 dolls and some soft toys. After she gave away 25 dolls and 20% of the soft toys, she had a total of 74 dolls and soft toys. How many soft toys did Binbin have at first?
3 m
Level 3
Rachel had 2060 mℓ more orange juice than Yvonne. After Rachel gave Yvonne 550 mℓ of orange juice, the ratio of Rachel's orange juice to Yvonne's orange juice became 5 : 2. How much orange juice did Rachel have at first? Give your answer in millilitres.
4 m
Level 3
Daniel had to solve some Science questions during a 3-week school holidays. At the end of the first week, the ratio of the number of questions solved to the number of questions unsolved was 3 : 7. At the end of the second week, Daniel solved another 36 questions and the number of unsolved questions became 14 of the total number of questions. How many questions did Daniel need to solve on the third week to complete his assignment?
4 m
Level 3
Janet wanted to finish reading a 231-page book by the end of the week. On Monday she read 37 of the book and by Friday the ratio of the number of pages read to the total number of pages was 9 : 11. Find the number of pages Janet would need to read during the weekend in order for her to complete the entire book.
4 m
Level 3
Olivia is 20% heavier than Xavier. Dana is 40% lighter than Xavier. Olivia is 12 kg heavier than Dana. What is Xavier's mass?
3 m
Level 3
Henry had to paint some cartons. On the first day, the number of cartons he painted was 40% of the number of cartons that he had not painted. One week later, he painted another 100 cartons. As a result, the total number of painted cartons became 28 more than 12 of the total number of cartons. How many more cartons were unpainted than painted on the first day?
4 m
Level 3
The number of boys to the number of girls in Primary 4 Kindness was 4 : 7. The number of boys to the number of girls in Primary 4 Joy was 4 : 7. Both classes had the same number of boys. When 18 girls from Primary 4 Kindness joined Primary 4 Joy, the ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls in Primary 4 Kindness became 2 : 3. Find the total enrolment of both classes.
4 m