Level 3
The sum of three numbers is 282. The 2nd number is twice the 1st number. The 3rd number is thrice the 1st number. What is the 3rd number?
4 m
Level 3
The total heights of three ostriches is 1225 cm. Ostrich A is twice as tall as Ostrich B. Ostrich C is twice as tall as Ostrich A. What is the height of Ostrich C?
4 m
Level 3
The mass of a book is 580 g. It is 4 times as heavy as a notebook. What is the total mass of the book and the notebook?
4 m
Level 3
2 similar books and 1 file cost $70. The book cost thrice as much as the file. Find the cost of one book.
4 m
Level 3
Janet paid $81 for a blouse and a bracelet. The bracelet cost twice as much as the blouse.
  1. Find the cost of the blouse.
  2. Find the cost of the bracelet.
4 m