Level 3
Basket G and Basket H have a total of 284 lollipops. After 43 lollipops were transferred from Basket G to Basket H, there were 3 times as many lollipops in Basket H as Basket G. How many lollipops were there in each basket at first?
  1. Basket G
  2. Basket H
3 m
Level 3
Natalie has $127 more than Eva. If Eva gives Natalie $56, the amount of money Natalie has will be 6 times that of Eva's. How much money does Natalie have?
3 m
Level 3 PSLE
Tina has 130 marbles more than Olivia. If Tina transfers 384 marbles to Olivia, Olivia will have 3 times as many as Tina. How many marbles does Tina have?
3 m
Level 3
Sean and Cathy had some money each. If Cathy gives Sean $49, he will have 3 times as much as Cathy. If Sean gives Cathy $20, he will have the same amount as her. How much money does each person have respectively?
  1. Sean?
  2. Cathy?
3 m