Level 3
Helen and Jomarie started off from the same place and drove at uniform speeds in the same direction round a 40-km circular racing track. Helen completed each round in 40 minutes. Jomarie took 50 minutes to complete each round.
  1. How far would Jomarie be behind Helen after 1 hour?
  2. How long after they started would it take Helen to meet Jomarie for the first time?
3 m
Level 3
I have 8 fifty-cent coins, 4 twenty-cent coins, 9 ten-cent coins and 4 five-cent coins. How much do they add up to?
4 m
Level 3
310 of the tank is filled with water. Another 210 litres of water are needed to fill the tank to its brim.
  1. What is the volume of the tank?
  2. The Height of the tank is 60 cm and its length is 100 cm. Find the perimeter of its base.
4 m
Level 3
Roger had two planks of the same length. He sawed one plank into equal parts of length 90 cm. In each part he drilled 6 small holes as shown in Figure 1. After that, he sawed the other plank into equal parts of length 1.5 m and in each part, he drilled 8 big holes as shown in Figure 2. When he finished drilling, he counted that there were 12 more small holes than big holes. If all the holes are spaced equally, how many holes were there altogether?
4 m
Level 2
What is the distance of Earl's house to the school? Give the answer in km and m.
2 m
Level 3
James bought a 1.5-litre bottle of coke. He drank 3 cups of coke. If each cup contained 150 mℓ of coke, how much coke was left in the bottle? Express the answer in ℓ and mℓ.
4 m
Level 3 PSLE
Heidi and Ian have the same total number of coins. Heidi has a number of fifty-cent coins and 62 twenty-cent coins. The total mass of her coins is 1.234 kg. Ian has a number of fifty-cent coins and 102 twenty-cent coins.
  1. Who has more money in coins? How much more in cents? Give your answers in this format. (Eg Adam, $12)
  2. Each fifty-cent coin is 2.6 g heavier than each twenty-cent coin. What is the total mass of Ian's coin in kg?
4 m
Level 3 PSLE
Betty and Zhulian each had a plate of dough of the same mass for making biscuits. The same mass of dough was used for each biscuit. Betty made 40 biscuits and had 50 g of dough left. Zhulian made 10 biscuits and had 1.1 kg of dough left.
  1. What was the mass of dough needed for each biscuit?
  2. With the remaining dough from both girls, how many more such biscuits can be made at most?
4 m
Level 3 PSLE
A path of length 28 m is completely covered with identical tiles, following the pattern shown. The width of the path is 70 cm. How many tiles were used to cover the entire path?
3 m
Level 2
A tank of water has a mass of 5 kg 205 g. The mass of the tank is half that of the water. Find the mass, in grams, of the tank.
3 m