Level 2
Arrange the fractions in order. Begin with the greatest. Choose the letters only. (Eg a,b,c)

(a) 710
(b) 110
(c) 910
2 m
Level 2 PSLE
A group of students stood in three rows. The 1st row had 10w students. The 2nd row had 3w fewer students than the 1st row. The 3rd row had 4 more students than the 2nd row.
  1. Find the number of students in the 3rd row in terms of w. Give your answer in the simplest form.
  2. There were 25 students in the 3rd row. Find the value of w.
2 m
Level 2 PSLE
Cindy is y years old. Sarah is three times as old as Cindy and Sarah is 5 years older than Jim.
  1. What is Jim's age in terms of y in years?
  2. If Cindy is 13 years old, how many years older is Jim than Cindy in years?
2 m
Level 2
Container A and Container B are fully filled with water. If all the water in Container A is poured into Tank C, it is 30 litres short of filling it to the brim. If all the water in Container B is poured into the same tank, it is 56 litres short of filling it to the brim. If the water from both containers is poured into the same tank, it will completely fill it. If both Tank C and Container B are completely filled, how much more water can Tank C fill than Container B?
2 m
Level 2
Arrange the fractions in order. Begin with the smallest. Give the answer in letters. (Eg a, b, c)
  1. 310
  2. 510
  3. 210
2 m