Level 3
In a thrift shop, the number of beads was 23 of the total number of beads and erasers together. The shopkeeper sold the beads and erasers in sets of 1 bead and 4 erasers. After selling all the erasers, he still had 133 beads left. How many erasers were in the thrift shop at first?
4 m
Level 3
The average number of mangosteens in Carton C, Carton D and Carton E is 24 and it is 8 more than the average number of papayas in the 3 cartons. 16 of the papayas are in Carton C and the papayas in Carton C is 80% of the number of papayas in Carton D. If each carton has the same number of fruits, what percentage of the fruits in Carton E are mangosteens?
5 m
Level 3
On Monday, 700 more youths than children attended a concert. On Tuesday, the number of youths decreased by 30% and the number of children increased by 80%. 1240 audience attended the concert on Tuesday. If each ticket cost $12, how much money was collected from the sale of concert tickets for the two days?
5 m
Level 3
There were 229 lemons and soursops in a stall at first. After 15 of the lemons and 12 of the soursops were sold, there were a total of 182 lemons and soursops now. How many lemons are there now?
4 m
Level 3
Asher has a total of 94 of blue and yellow lollipops. 16 of the blue lollipops and half of the yellow lollipops are new. How many of his yellow lollipops are new if he has a total of 27 new lollipops?
4 m
Level 3
Sarah bought a total of 300 big and small candies. Then she decided to exchange 60% of her big candies for the small ones in the ratio of 3 : 5. After the exchange, she had 366 candies. What percentage of the candies she bought were small ones?
5 m
Level 3
Gillian bought 35 as many stamps as stickers at first. After she bought another 10 stamps and 29 stickers, there were 47 as many stamps as stickers. How many stamps and stickers did Gillian buy at first?
4 m
Level 3
The number of 20-cent coins in a basket was 100% more than the number of 10-cent coins. 13 twenty-cent coins were taken out and exchanged for 10-cent coins. The number of 20-cent coins became 58 less than the number of 10-cent coins. How much money is there in the basket?
5 m
Level 3
20% of the people are performers for a concert and the rest are spectators. 80% of the spectators are adults and there are 3900 more adults spectators than children spectators. How many adult spectators must leave so that 25% of the people in the concert are adult spectators?
5 m
Level 3
Lisa bought 58 as many shortbreads as cookies at first. After she bought another 5 shortbreads and 76 cookies, there were 15 as many shortbreads as cookies. How many shortbreads and cookies did Lisa buy at first?
4 m