Level 3
Ali has $5.60. He wants to exchange his money for an equal number of 20-cent coins and 50-cent coins. How many 50-cent coins does he have after the exchange?
3 m
Level 3
3 pupils shared the cost of a present equally. When calculating the amount each pupil had to pay, a mistake was made. The cost of the present was divided by 4 instead of 3. Each pupil ended up paying $3.90 less than the correct amount. What should be the correct amount for each share?
4 m
Level 3
A coin bank contains some twenty-cent and fifty-cent coins in the ratio of 4 : 5. When 16 fifty-cent coins were taken out and replaced by some twenty-cent coins, the ratio became 8 : 7. The total value of the twenty-cent coins added was the same as the total value of the fifty-cent coins taken out. Find the sum of money in the coin box.
5 m
Level 3 PSLE
Nick had doughnuts and Ethan had scones. Both gave half of what they had to each other. Nick sold 8 doughnuts and Ethan sold 42 scones. In the end, the ratios of doughnuts to scones for Nick and Ethan were 1 : 5 and 1 : 3 respectively. How many doughnuts did Nick have at first?
4 m
Level 3
Andy, Benjamin and Caleb had a total of 698 cards at first. After a week, the number of Andy's cards became 3 times the number of cards he had at first. The number of Benjamin's cards decreased by 138. Caleb had half as many cards as he had at first. In the end, the three boys had the same number of cards.
  1. How many cards did Caleb have at first?
  2. What was the total number of cards that the three boys had in the end?
5 m